Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Importance of the Tutor in Electra - 1623 Words
Importance of the Tutor in Electra When delving into a novel, drama or other character-based text, analysts often focus their search around the supposed major characters who seem to most directly affect the work. In considering Electra, however, just as valuable as Orestes, Clytemnestra or Electra herself is a somewhat minor character, the Tutor. This attendant of Orestes emerges only three times and is on stage for less than twenty percent of the spoken lines, yet his role in driving the plot is as great as any. If Aristotle, one of the true masters of ancient thought, is correct in saying The Plot, then, is the first principle, and, as it were, the soul of a tragedy, then the Tutor can truly be considered one of the most†¦show more content†¦This tragedy hinges on the deception that enables Orestes to murder the king and queen, a deception provided entirely by the Tutor. Not only does he fabricate Orestes death but also tries to further build Clytemnestras false confidence with distinct allusions to her new ly gained safety. He introduces himself to the queen as a bearer of good news(667) and upon seeing her mixed reaction to this news he tries to sway her towards confidence with lines like, My lady, why so sad?(768) and So it seems that I have come in vain(772). The Tutor proves himself to be a master of deception while within his lie subtly glorifying both Orestes and his father. He slips in mention of Agamemnon, who commanded all / The Greeks at Troy(694-695) and praises his son as admired by all(684), swift and strong / No less than beautiful(685-686) and the driver of the finest Thessalian mares(703) in the world. An observer of the scene might consider this exaltation a sort of eulogy of the fallen son, but with the knowledge that Orestes will soon rise up to dethrone his parents there is rich irony in such boasting, deep undertones that further solidify the Tutors position of importance. With the beguiling speech offered by the Tutor, the concepts of Peripeteia or Reversal of the Situation, and Recognition are both infused intoShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesLeale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr. Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service Project Management: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Case Study Ford Vs. Wainwright Case - 1426 Words
Facts of the case Ford vs. Wainwright case was of a man from Florida that was sentenced to execution because of his conviction of murder of a police officer during a robbery. Despite his argument of insanity, he was still thought to be eligible for execution. As he stayed in prison his mental state seemed to diminish. He became confused and delusional overtime and obsessed with the Ku Klux Klan. He felt conspired against and thought it was because others wanted him to commit suicide. He believed that the prison guards, part of the conspiracy, had been killing people and putting the bodies in the concrete enclosures used for beds. He believed that his female relatives were being tortured and sexually abused somewhere in the prison. He began to refer to himself as the pope and reported having appointed nine new justices to the Florida Supreme Court. Ford was appointed to a doctor that reviewed his illness, but Ford later decided not to work with him because he felt that the doctor also was part of the c onspiracy theory. According to Farringer (2001), â€Å"Justice Powell s concurring opinion, on the other hand, found that the appropriate standard is whether the prisoner is aware of the punishment she is about to suffer and the reasons she is to suffer it†(p.2441). Ford was interviewed again and thought he should go free because of his condition and understanding of what the law was about mentally ill patients and how it would be considered inhumane in his mind because of theShow MoreRelatedLife or Death: The Death Penalti1012 Words  | 4 Pagesthose people that oppose the idea of capital punishment. I oppose this action for many reasons. One being that capital punishment drains millions of dollars from more effective safety precautions (Morgenthau 14). A second, a 1987 study in Stanford Law Review identified 350 cases in this century in which innocent people were wrongly convicted of crimes for which they have received the death penalty; of that number 23 were executed ( Morgenthau 14). Lastly, research has shown that nearly all Death Row inmatesRead MoreCapital Punishment Is The Lawful Infliction Of Punishment1300 Words  | 6 Pagesonto a pregnant woman, which has bee a common law traced back to ancient times. Several Supreme Court cases added to the limitations of capital punishment. The court case Coker vs. Georgia, added that rape against an adult woman should be unconstitutional to be a punishment of the death penalty. It was viewed as excessive punishment and a violation of the eighth amendment. Ford vs. Wainwright withheld the penalty of insane persons to be eligible for the death penalty until proven of mental competencyRead MoreCapital Punishment : An Issue Of Bias1878 Words  | 8 Pagesthe fairness of the administration of punishment†(Cohen and Smith). The statistical study suggested that defendants had a higher probability of receiving the death penalty for a case involving a white victim than a black victim. The Death Row Report U.S.A., revised summer of 2013, showed that of the 1964 national victims since 1977, 1499 were White, 298 were Black, and to support Cohan and Smith’s claim of white vs. black victims, the report broke down the racial demographic further to show that moreRead More What Would be Your Candidates Position on th e Death Penalty?3810 Words  | 16 Pagesto their moral teachings, especially that justice consists of the ideal â€Å"an eye for an eye†(Heim 2), but they feel that it is unnecessarily used in the United States (Bedau). Therefore in a case like this the argument of the death penalty’s legality is no longer an issue, it becomes an issue of in what cases can the death penalty be fairly implied (EWTN). This issue is rather important because the majority of Americans with religious affiliations are mainly Jewish and Christian, and their beliefsRead MoreIss 225 John Molloy Final Exam Study Guide Fall Semester 20128139 Words  | 33 Pages`ISS 225: POWER, AUTHORITY EXCHANGE Study Guide, Final Exam, Fall 2012 Unit IV: Courts and Civil Liberties Professor Molloy The final exam will be given in the regular classroom 109 South Kedzie Hall Section 001 will take its final on Monday, Dec. 10 from 7:45-9:45 a.m. Section 002 will take its test on Monday, Dec. 10 from 12:45 - 2:45 p.m. The classroom is not large enough to accommodate two large sections, so you must take the exam when it is scheduled by the universityRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesexposure to marketing principles, if not to marketing practice. The intended market of the book comprises the following segments: âž ¡ Students reading for degrees involving marketing (especially MBA candidates and senior undergraduates following business studies programmes) âž ¡ Students of The Chartered Institute of Marketing who are preparing for the Marketing Planning paper in the CIM’s Diploma examinations âž ¡ Marketing practitioners who will benefit from a comprehensive review of current thinking in the field
Monday, December 9, 2019
Pera free essay sample
Because it is precise to the extent of defining which parties are liable for which violations, the resolution is at core fair warning to all election actors that violations may be committed only as pure acts of Ignorance or defiance of the law, or even, as sheer allure of logic or character or Intention on the part of violators. Comely personnel from headquarters (Campaign Finance unit) to the field have been designated as implementing agents throughout the election period, and unto the audit of election spending reports.It lists down as well the duties of all parties authorized to receive and spend donations, Issue and secure contracts for advertising and other services from the candidates and parties, and proscribes what expenses are allowed and disallowed in law. It stresses, too, the prohibitions against use of state resources, ands, and facilities for partisan campaigns, and against civil servants and uniformed personnel. Entitles with government contracts. We will write a custom essay sample on Pera or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Foreigners. And all public agencies from donating or serving with the candidates and political parties.The resolution spells out 16 various unlawful acts, omissions and activities related to campaign finance and The Fair Elections Act. Just as important, the resolution reminds voters and excellent groups that they may not sell their votes, nor solicit cash, favors or promise of favors from the partisans. The new resolution finally settles the tricky oath matter of how many minutes of TV airtime and radio airtime candidates are allowed to procure for political advertising.Incongruent Comely issuance and laxer enforcement of the laws had left this issue muddled for so long. For the May 2013 elections and onward, the Comely has also ruled that a candidate Is entitled to an aggregate total of 120 minutes of TV airtime, and 1 80 minutes of radio airtime -? 1 OFF platforms. The wealthy and wizened candidates had in the past insisted on placing viral political ads on TV and radio stations across the nation, and counting these as operate 120-minute or 180-minute airtime caps per station. Commerces Resolution No. 467, which created the Campaign Finance Unit, had earlier clarified that election propaganda, for the May 2013 elections and in all subsequent elections, will now include newspaper, radio, television and other advertisements for purposes of promoting the candidacy, including website or Internet ad placements. The web, until now, has remained outside the ambit of campaign finance laws even as a growing number of candidates have invaded social media networks and websites as a laggardly for their propaganda since four elections ago.Any citizen may file suit against any candidates or parties for any violations of campaign finance laws. Additionally, the resolution mandates Comely personnel to act moot prior on apparent and clear violations that they have witnessed. The Comely has deputies the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Commission on Audit, the Office of the Ombudsman, the Anti-Money-Laundering Council, and law enforcement agencies, and opened a window for c ivil-society groups to be designated as partners and co- monitors, to track and run after violators.Monitoring checklists and templates for reports have been annexed to the resolution to assist Comely personnel in their continuous monitoring and enforcement of campaign finance rules. So will all those concerned now play by the rules? Its a big maybe, and a truly most critical task that assigns the Comely lead role, and all citizens common duty to help enforce. If we so abhor the pre-eminent influence of money in defining and deciding who wins or loses, no matter undeserving or crooked, n our elections, this is the time to help monitor, track, and report to the Comely violations and violators.The Commerces table of penalties for violations includes provisos that winning candidates who fail to file true, accurate, and complete election spending reports within deadlines, may not be allowed to take oath and serve in office. This, the Comely said it will enforce, on strength of a memorandum of agreement that it signed with the Department of the Interior and Local Government under the late lamented Secretary Jesse Robbed.The DILL supervises all local overspent units, and under its agreement with the Comely, the poll body must first issue a certification of compliance with campaign finance laws, before a winning candidate can be allowed to take his/her oath of office. Meanwhile, whether he/she wins or loses, a candidate who will not file reports for two consecutive elections he/ she had participated in could face perpetual disbarment from running again for elective positions, the Comely had ruled earlier.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Essay Example
Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Paper Soon enough the child ended up in the household of the childless king and queen of Corinth. As a young man he learned of his fate to kill his father and marry his mother. Fleeing his family and seeking refuge from his terrible future in a distant city-state of Thebes only brought the actualization of the forecast. Unbeknownst to Oedipus, he had killed his father on his journey and entered the bed of his mother. He lived In his relationship and as King of Thebes for many years until at last he painfully revealed the blinding truth over the course of one shocking day. Realizing what he had done, he blinds himself with the olden pins of his wardrobe and has himself banished to a far away land where he will cause nobody harm. Death of a Salesman is a modern day tragedy based on the life of Wily Loan, a New England traveling salesman in the mid sasss. Wily, the average American Joe is married to Linda Loan, a deep and caring woman, who he had two sons Biff and Happy with. The play starts out when Biff and Happy are in their twenties, and Willis sales career is on a downward spiral, with his whole family there to watch it. Wily has never had a great relationship with either of his sons, especially Biff. We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Wily feels he is failing his family. Wily lives his life in a series of illusions of the past. All of these illusions are of great family, and career memories. Wily stays In these Illusions because I feel he Is too afraid to live in reality where he would be forced to examine his affair In Boston, his philosophy and all of his family and financial debts. Wily loses his Job and Is on the brink of suicide and forever failing his attempts to make his family better than average. Wily commits suicide so his family can receive the insurance check and so Biff can live a successful life without worries. I feel that both these characters life came crashing down on them, and I feel for each man and play, but more for Wily and Death of a Salesman. Wily had his reason to die, but even in the end his plan didnt work as expected. At his funeral no one except for his family and best friend Charlie showed up. He worked so hard to accomplish so little. The impact of this play was amazingly strong. I feel for this man because his life Is so common, unlike the strange and horrible life of Oedipus. He was an ordinary working Joe with a family and wife to support. As any man, Wily had big dreams, but to see them come crashing down upon him left me tit a sense of pity for the man. He seemed Like a crazy man who had lost his mind. But we all know he was Just a guy whod had It all rough and simply couldnt take It any more. Death of a Salesman hit home with us all, and that is why I feel it is the more tragic play. Aristotle and Arthur Miller have theories of tragedy in which they can be somewhat compared and contrasted. Aristotle believes that the tragic hero should be one of higher society, in which his downfall and emotions effect the lives of many people around him. Miller on the other hand believes that the tragic hero should be en of the common man, some sympathetic character that everyone can relate to, someone stuck deep in the virtues of society. Both men though feel that the character either in their mind, or publicly have a supreme pride in which must be abolished, adding to the tragedy of the tragic heros life. Both once again, feel that the tragic hero must have a sense of vigorous protest. Both Oedipus and Wily know their pain and situation but try not to realize it until it is too late. Oedipus by never believing he killed Luaus until he was shown with evidence. Wily, by never really accepting the fact he was failing his family and Job. Aristotle feels that the turning of the Gods on the characters life is what causes his downfall. Miller believes that the heros fall is blamed on something superior, not the Gods, but society in which case is like a god to Wily. The tragic hero should not be perfect, nor should he be so dull and stupid or so young as to be incapable of understanding what is happening to him, stated by Aristotle, in which Miller agrees greatly. They also both believe that the protagonist may be a victim, but he must also know and bow in total acceptance of his destruction. Aristotle believes that the tragic figure makes choices and takes actions that result in his consequences. You can strongly feel that Miller believes that some, if not most of the figures downfall is caused by his words towards others (This also is where most of the irony is in his play, why Sophocles relies mainly on dramatic irony). I feel that Millers approach to tragedy and the tragic hero prove to be most valid. I think that Aristotle approach is somewhat outdated. I believe that in the times of his life, society and the arts were based mainly on the lives of the noble, therefore never reflecting the lives or emotions of the common man. Miller gets Mathew a little of both worlds into his theories. He still follows some basic rules formed by Aristotle (as noted above), but yet changes the view of the tragic hero in ways that the common mans life is tragic, and needs to be recognized in all that it is. I enjoy that. Although societys outlook on people do change over the years, Miller was very well able to produce theories in which any man, from any time would be able to relate to. To sum it up, I feel overall tragedy must preach revolution, and that is exactly what Miller does. Both plays have a sense of true tragedy other than that of Just the tragic hero. The plots of these two plays is a good example. The very complex plot in Oedipus The King is both filled with horrible views of incest and disgust, while it also delivers a sense of pity for the character. This play includes a complete reversal in the situation of the play. This occurs in Oedipus when he begins to feel that he is the one that murdered Luaus and slept with his mother, after trying to tell himself and the country that he was not that man. That shows a sense of recognition also, in which Aristotle believes is a true element of tragedy. I feel though the more affective plot, although impel, is that of Death of a Salesman. The story starts off with the reader already realizing Wills downfall and his losing life, which brings the pity to the play. This play I think is very strong because it is full of drama all the way through, not consulting AT a reversal or recognition. Recognition Is not snows In tons play Decease Wily is Just ignorant to realize his life, in which no change occurs. That dramatically effects the plays strength. The structure in these two plays is a key element in their tragic effects towards the reader. In both Oedipus and Death of a Salesman. Leasebacks play an important role in the play. In Oedipus The King, it is through flashbacks that Oedipus realizes he is the murderer of his father, bringing the downfall on him. The flashbacks in Death of a Salesman are a lot stronger in effect towards drama, because the Wily lives his life in them. It is through flashbacks that the reader realizes the true drama and irony of both the present day actions and words of Wily. The play is illusion vs.. Laity. If this play wouldnt of been structured around Wily Living his life in the past, it would not be considered one of the greatest dramatic plays. The reader realizes the downfall of Wily and his Family through them. The transition from time periods in a lot more obvious in Death of a Salesman and a lot more important than that of Oedipus, in Oedipus The King there is a are a few scenes in which he vis its the past, while the text clearly shows the transition. In Death of a Salesman, Miller shows the transition of the past and present by a few notable things. In the present, Millers writing and tone is more serious and dark, while in the past, the tone becomes a lot more brighter and optimistic. Irony plays another key role in the success of these dramatic plays. Most of the power of Oedipus derives from dramatic irony. The reader is clued in on this in the prologue, in which is the richest in dramatic irony. In that scene, everyone concerned is still in complete darkness to the truth and their ignorance therefore causes their words and actions to carry much greater weight. In Death of a Salesman, it is that of situational irony that brings the reader closer to Wills downfall. The entire play is carried almost completely by the dialog, which is vital to the plays success. One such incident is Wills views of Biffs career track. Biff is a lazy bum! , shortly after, Wily states: Biff Loan is lost. In the greatest country in the world a young man with such -personal attractiveness, gets lost. And such a hard worker . Theres one thing about Biff-hes not lazy. (Death of a Salesman 16). Another example is when Wily wishes that cars today would have fold down windshields, They Just dont make them liked they used to Wily said. Linda soon reminds him that he told her he was driving with the windshield down on the way home from his trip. Situational irony drives this play to greatness, without it, the plot would be lost. Oedipus The King is weaker in the irony part, compared to Death of a Salesman, because in Oedipus it Just answers the questions, doesnt tell the story. The tragic man is the key role in both of these plays. Oedipus in Oedipus The King, and Wily Loan in Death of a Salesman. Through Oedipus a man is presented whose good side causes harm and whose bad side works good. Oedipus himself is one vicious irony, for his virtues devolve into virulent vices that wreak his complete destruction. Oedipus main tragic flaw was that he had a lack of knowledge, and because he thought he was doing good only to find out that what he was doing was ad. His power fell Just as quickly as he got it. Oedipus was born a helpless pawn of fate. Wily on the other hand is a far more tragic hero in Millers eyes, and somewhat in Aristotle eyes. According to Arthur Miller, The tragic feeling is invoked whenever we are in the presence of a character, any character, who is ready to sacrifice his life, IT need De, to secure one thing, Nils sense AT personal Locally Wily Loan was willing to do that no matter what the cost. This makes Wily an excellent example of Aristotle tragic hero also. Wills one tragic flaw is his lack of a grip on reality. He oldest differentiate the difference between the current time and the past. His flashbacks are a part of his everyday lifestyle, only he doesnt know that he is experiencing them, because he lacks awareness, bringing on his downfall. He died for money and most of all for the love of his family. That is where I feel the word hero in Wills life comes from, and tragic comes from the everyday struggle for Wily Loan to do two things, achieve the American Dream and be known as a great man like his father was, with everyone knowing your name. To finish it off, I feel that the common man, Wily Loan, In Death of a Salesman exceeds the tragic greatness of King Oedipus in Oedipus The King. Throughout my research on both of these Tragic plays, I have realized that the common man and his everyday struggle Just to make it through society and the changes brought by industrialization is a viewpoint that more people can really hit home with, instead of a play that seems like an episode of Jerry Springer. Death of a Salesman was filled with pity for Wily, the weak, old, struggling family man. Oedipus the King was plainly just filled with disgust. Wily Loan, the average American family Joe, and his lifestyle and family make Death of a Salesman the superior tragedy.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Assessment Record Assignment 1 Essay
Assessment Record Assignment 1 Essay Assessment Record Assignment 1 Essay Assessment Record Programme BTEC Level 2 First Diploma in Travel and Tourism Learner Name Unit No & title Unit 3: The Development of Travel and Tourism in the UK Assessor Name Sue Griffiths Assignment number & title Assignment 1:Key Developments in the UK Travel and Tourism Sector to include Transportation and Legislation Target learning aims Learning Aim A: Explore the developments that have helped shape the UK Travel and Tourism sector Issue date Submission date Tutor Feedback date Resubmission authorisation (2 weeks after submission) First submission/ resubmission?* By Lead Internal Verifier Date Resubmission date** * All resubmissions must be authorised by the Lead Internal Verifier . Only one resubmission is possible per assignment ,providing: ââ€" The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension ââ€" The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance. ââ€" Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner. ** Any resubmission evidence must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of results of assessment. Declaration Assessor’s declaration I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment, to the best of my knowledge, is the learners own. The learner has clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice. Assessor’s Signature Date Learner’s
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Italian Heritage Month Celebrations
Italian Heritage Month Celebrations October is Italian Heritage Month, formerly known as National Italian-American Heritage Month. Coinciding with the festivities surrounding Columbus Day, the proclamation in recognition of the many achievements, contributions, and successes of Americans of Italian descent as well as Italians in America. Christopher Columbus was Italian, and many countries celebrate Columbus Day every year to mark his discovery of the New World. But Italian Heritage Month honors more than just Columbus. Over 5.4 million Italians immigrated to the United States between 1820 and 1992. Today there are over 26 million Americans of Italian descent in the United States, making them the fifth largest ethnic group. The country was even named after an Italian, the explorer and geographer Amerigo Vespucci. History of Italian Americans in the U.S. Federico Fellini, the movie director, once said that language is culture and culture is the language, and nowhere is this truer than in Italy. There was a time when speaking Italian was considered a crime, but nowadays many Italian Americans are learning Italian to discover more about their family heritage. Looking for ways to identify, understand, and bond with their familys ethnic background, they are getting in touch with their family heritage by learning their ancestors native language. Most of the Italians who immigrated to the U.S. came from the southern part of Italy, including Sicily. Thats because the pressures encouraging people to immigrate- including poverty and over-population- were greater in the southern part of the country, especially in the latter part of the 19th century. In fact, the Italian government encouraged southern Italians to leave the country and voyage to the U.S. Many ancestors of todays Italian-Americans came due to this policy. Italian-American Heritage Month Celebrations Each year in October, a wide variety of cities and towns with large Italian-American populations host various Italian cultural celebrations in honor of Italian Heritage Month. Many of the celebrations revolve around food, of course. Italians are well-known for their contributions to excellent meals in the U.S. Italian-American heritage organizations often take the opportunity in October to introduce members and others to regional Italian cuisines, which go far beyond pasta. Other events may highlight Italian art, ranging from Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to modern Italian sculptor Marino Marini and painter and print-maker, Giorgio Morandi. Italian Heritage Month celebrations also provide ample opportunities for learning Italian. For example, some organizations provide language labs for children so that they can discover the beauty of the Italian language. Others offer opportunities for adults to learn enough Italian to get by while traveling to Italy. Finally, many cities- including New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco- host Columbus Day or Italian Heritage parades to mark the Columbus Day holiday. The largest parade is the one held in New York City, which involves 35,000 marchers and more than 100 groups.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Individual Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Individual Research Paper - Essay Example orm and deliver on their different roles can be improved through the adoption of a number of approaches (Ubeda-Garcia, Marco-Lajara, Sabater-Sempere & Garcia-Lillo, 2013). In this paper, employee performance will be discussed in relation to factors such as job design, employee training and development. Organizations today are in high demand of an effective employee with a great combination of skills and professional qualification. Such an employee can work under the challenging environment of the business and help it achieve its goals and objectives. However, recruiting the best employees and retaining them is not an assurance for a performance as other intrinsic factors significantly influences the ability of employees to perform based on the organization’s objectives and goals. A number of business and management related factors thus influences the ability of the employees in an organization to perform and achieve their job descriptions (Pereira & Gomes, 2012). Managerial standards and practices have a significant role in the process of improving employee performance. The development of proper standards of managing the employees can motivate or demotivate them, and this affects their ability to work towards achieving the goals set for them. As a manager, the expectations placed on an employee must be a line with their job description and professional qualification. This will eliminate undue pressure on the employees that affects the determination and willingness to focus on their roles. High expectations from employees do not guarantee the performance especially if it leads to assigning roles that do not reflect their abilities or job descriptions (Ubeda-Garcia, Marco-Lajara, Sabater-Sempere & Garcia-Lillo, 2013). A motivated employee understands the expectations placed on him and works towards the realization of the dreams and goals of the business. The performance of an employee is highly influenced by their levels of motivation, making it essential for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Globalisation - Essay Example These dimensions include economic, political, security, environment, and health social, cultural among others. Globalisation was coined in 1980’s but the concept is an ancient one that has a dissimilar significance to most people (Hansen et al, 2010). Apparently, scholars, policy makers and activist see it as a force that could be used to advance the economy in the world while others view the concept as a danger to the economic systems in the world. In light of view of globalisation as the concept that is relevant to the world economy, there is a remarkable increase in worldwide trade and exchanges through increasingly open, integrated and borderless international economy. Besides, remarkable growth has be noted in trade and exchange not only in traditional and international trade of commodities and services, but also in currency exchanges, in capital activities, transfer of technology, movement of people through international travelling and migration, over and above, the flow of information and ideas internationally (Ku?ng, 1998) Globalisation as an Unstoppable Force Globalisation has continually become an unstoppable force especially now when it has opened a golden chance for business, commerce and trade (Dervis and Altinay, 2011). In fact, never before in the history of the world has there emerged such a situation where many goods have been sold to many people in the easiest way as is happening currently. Moreover, the presence of information and communication has enabled everyone to access everything anywhere. In regard to this, markets are continually becoming global, numerous corporations are richer and powerful as compared to some countries. Of importance to note, is that there is a combination of reduced trade barrier, financial liberalisation, over and above, a technological revolt that has totally changed the environment of business in most of the industrialized countries. According to Boesak (2009), globalisation has promised more trade, more market, more business, and more information among other issues. This has been demonstrated through the considerable wealth that has continuously been brought by the tide of globalisation. Why does the World need a Global Set of Ethic rules and What would They be? A global ethic can be described as an ethical perspective which incorporates significant ethical relations between states, between individuals who live in different societies. In the ethic, there are claims with regard to the existence of some universal values and norms concerning obligations that have global scope (Chatterjee, 2011). Consequently, global ethics is a concept that entails ethical inquiry into the nature and explanation of the values and norms that are global. Simply, it articulates various issues that have risen in the recent past such as international aid, security, environmental problems, intervention and human rights. Never the less, scholars interested with global ethics argue that it is not possible of the global ethics to be accepted by the world over to make a single society. Needless to mention, global ethics are crucial and should be accepted as they arguably promote the global goals (Hutchings, 2010). In the event that some global ethics are not embraced by a considerable number of agents, the intended goals are not likely to be attained. Apparently, there can be diverse global ethics and diverse understanding of the goals. Some global ethics
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Compare, Contrast, and Evaluate Plato and Aristotle on human Well-being Essay Example for Free
Compare, Contrast, and Evaluate Plato and Aristotle on human Well-being Essay Platos ethics concerning well-being arise from the end of the discussion on justice where Thrasymachus articulates that justice is in fact merely a social contract whereby people agree not to inflict harm on others in return for not being harmed. Out of this rises the question well if this is all justice is, if it is only desirable for its consequences, In this case the avoidance of harm, then why shouldnt I cheat? If I can get away with it why wouldnt one cheat? Now follows the Gyges story, Glaucon puts it to Plato that if two men, one whom leads a life of virtue and one who doesnt, acquired a ring that could turn you invisible, even the virtuous man would not be able to resist acting immorally so therefore people are not actually virtuous, more just scared of the consequences of not being so. This is making the point that no man is so virtuous that he could resist the temptation of being able to steal at will by the rings power of invisibility. In modern terms, Glaucon still argues that morality is a social construction, whose source is the desire to up hold ones reputation for virtue and honesty; when that sanction is removed, the moral character would evaporate. However Plato disagrees, he thinks the truly virtuous man would act morally and be happy and at peace with himself, even when the outcome may not be seen as in their best interests e.g. loss of reputation; when sentenced to death Socrates had the chance to escape and go and live in another place but he refused to because it would be wrong to obey the laws of the land only when they suited you, so he stayed and was killed. For Plato this is not only the right thing to do but he would go as far to say that he would be happier dying virtuous than living having broken the law. Although I think this should not be taken as he enjoyed his actual death rather there was a certain content dignified air about it, as through living a virtuous life he had reached eudemonia because for Plato virtue is sufficient for human well being. Then to illustrate the extreme of what Plato is saying a second ring is added, and it is put to Plato that if both men had a ring, one just and one unjust, and the unjust man carries out his unjust activities but is clever enough to disguise it and up holds his reputation for being a moral citizen so therefore gets away un punished however conversely the just man whom has been virtuous in all his actions is misunderstood and crucified for being unjust and his reputation soiled. Is Plato saying even in this case it is still better to be the just man? Plato explicitly maintains that yes it is, and uses this example to show that if it is the most beneficial and right thing to do in this situation then I must follow that it is the most beneficial and right thing to do in all situations. But why is it the most beneficial? Why should people be just, Plato believes that it is down to the tri-partite nature of the soul; if things are not in the right balance then it becomes a matter of damaging your mental health. Plato believes that justice is gratifying in itself not merely because of its consequences. The purpose of human life is to live virtuously. The end that all virtuous beings should aim at; to be in union with the form of the good, this is the way of achieving the highest form of human well-being. In order to live virtuously one must have justice in the soul. Justice in the soul can only be present when the tripartite elements are in accurate harmony; when reason is ruling over spirit and spirit is controlling desires or appetites; wisdom can be seen to represent the rational part of the soul and courage parallels the spirited part of the soul with discipline existing in controlling desires. When the soul is in balance only then can virtue be exercised and human well-being achieved. Plato states that it is impossible for one to be happy if justice is not present in the soul and put forward this argument to illustrate why the unjust mans life leads to misery. Plato believes that the tyrant is the most unhappy of people because he is in a position of slavery and has no real freedom, he is ruled and governed by passion and surrounded by enemies. Due to being dominated by passion his main aim is to seek pleasure. Plato argues that each of the three parts of the soul corresponds to a different type of pleasure Rational- Gains pleasure in seeking the truth. Spirited- Gains pleasure out of achievement and honour. Appetitive- Gains pleasure through the empirical senses, e.g. sex/drink/food. The tyrant thinks that his pleasure is the best type, this can also be said for the oligarch and the philosopher, however Plato claims that only the philosophers assertion can be the real truth for he has experienced all types of pleasure and is therefore in the best position to decide. when the whole mind accepts the leadership of the philosophical part, and there is no internal conflict, then each part can do its job and be moral in everything it does, and in particular it can enjoy its own pleasures and thus reaps as much benefit from pleasure as is possible (586) But if the mind is controlled by either the spirited or appetitive elements it is not possible for it to attain its own correct pleasure and begins to coerces the other two elements to engage in false happiness, so far as that appetitive desires are farthest removed from reason and therefore law and order, and the tyrant is then farthest removed from mans true and proper pleasure so therefore cannot achieve well being and leads to the most of unhappy lives. So because justice is now desirable in itself and for its consequences its not a case of why should I do it, for Plato you act justly for its own sake. So how would the just man know what actions are virtuous and which are not; This is where the theory of the forms can be introduced, according to Plato we live in a world of appearances of which we cognise through perception, appearances are temporary, changing, fallible and subject to doubt. Although Plato also believed that there is an infallible, eternal, unchanging realm; the realm of the forms. The forms are independent of the mind metaphysical entities as real as anything we cognise through are empirical senses. So in order for one to posses any true knowledge then one must have access to the forms. In order to know what courage is one must know the form of courage so that when deciding if a particular act is courageous you can compare the form with the act and see if they have anything in common. Upon gathering this information you are now and only after consulting the form, in a position to obtain an objectively correct answer. Does this mean that those whom dont have access to the forms of the virtues cannot be virtuous and in turn not achieve well-being? So in summary one must have the soul in the correct balance; this is the necessary and sufficient clause for well being and why is this the case because of the tri-partite nature of the soul. Aristotles ethics are very similar to that of Platos, sharing distinct similarities but also some differences. For Aristotle human-well being can also be translated as Eudemonia (flourishing). In book one Aristotle states that that every art, every investigation and similarly every action and pursuit is aimed at some good and that happiness is an activity of the soul according to virtue. As an early virtue theorist Aristotle believes a person should be judged on their character and not their actions. According to Aristotle virtue is something learned through constant practice beginning at a young age. To further understand this we should fully translate arà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½te-this is the word translated into virtue in most English translations however the word more generally translates into excellence, so for example a musician will exhibit arà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½te in performing without any moral connotations. It logically follows that excellence in music cannot be reached simply by reading about it, it requires systematic practice and practical implementation. For Aristotle there is not necessarily an essential distinction between being virtuous and exercising a learned skill like playing an instrument, he believes that virtue is also a learned excellence (the highest learned excellence). So to be virtuous one must practice at it; human well being for Aristotle involves living well and exercising virtue is a necessary condition of this. Aristotelian virtue ethics are more specific than Platos, he talks of virtue in a more systematic sense. This is highlighted by the doctrine of the mean; his theory that virtue exists between the vicious extremes of excess and deficiency. For example the virtuous mean of courage lies between the vices of recklessness and cowardice, which represent excess and deficiency respectively. In order to achieve well being one must attempt to find the golden mean of all the virtues in the 36 name table, however Aristotle does clearly remind us that there are no exact laws in political sciences rather we need to approach each case individually informed by calculated virtues and some practical wisdom. Virtue for Aristotle is A posteriori; learning through experience, what is the mean path relative to us? Like Plato, for Aristotle we cannot pick and choose our virtues, we cannot decide to display courage and patience but not truthfulness and modesty, nor can people be virtuous if they do not demonstrate all the virtues. One of the most crucial points Aristotle makes is that although virtue is necessary for well-being it is in fact not sufficient. In order to be truly happy one must have three things. 1. A good character. 2. One must be active in living virtuously 3. One must have external goods. Happiness according to Aristotle is a public not a private affair, so whom you share this happiness with is of great importance. The city-states of ancient Greece were tightly knit communities. In politics Aristotle says we cannot fully realize our potential as humans outside the bonds of a Greek city-state so therefore well being cannot be achieved in the life of a hermit. This is not the only external good that is required, Aristotle also believes that in order to achieve well-being wealth is required, although I feel it should be made clear that he is not saying one needs to be rich to happy, rather that there needs to be a absence of extreme poverty; the view that it is hard to be happy when starving. This is in direct contradiction with Platos teachings and is blatantly outlined in the story of the ring of Gyges. Another fundamental difference between Aristotle and Platos teachings on well being is that the whole of Platos metaphysics is underpinned by the forms. To be fully virtuous one must have access to the forms but Aristotle completely rejects the forms as having no tangible foundation for believing them. Aristotle thinks that the problem solved by the forms can in fact be answered empirically; he presents us with the function argument: this explains that the function of a harpist is to play the harp well. A human also just like the eye has a set purpose or function and the function of a good man is to live well or achieve well-being. But Plato believes that people who reject the forms for empirical verification are sophist whose beliefs have no basis. It seems that both Aristotle and Plato believe that in order for humans to achieve well being they must fulfil their function, so in order to identify the real difference of their views on well being we must understand their views on what our function is. Platos view on this is outlined in Book One of The Republic; Socrates is trying to prove to Thrasymachus that it is better to be just than unjust. He starts by determining that all things have their own definite function, and that that function is that which one can do only with it or best with it (Republic I 352e). For example, the function of eyes is to see, and since a pruning knife is better suited to pruning than a butchers knife, its function is to prune. Having established this, Socrates goes on to argue that everything also has a measured virtue that corresponds to the implementation of its function. The virtues of our ears are hearing and the virtue of the knife would be its sharpness. An object that is deficient in its virtue is said to be incapable of performing its function well (a dull knife would not be able to cut properly). Having demonstrated this, Socrates now looks at the human soul and its function. Is there some function of a soul that you couldnt perform with anything else, for example, taking care of things, ruling, deliberating? Is there anything other than a soul to which you could rightly assign these, and say that they are its peculiar function? What of living? Isnt that a function of the soul? (Republic I 353d) Thrasymachus agrees to Socrates definition of the souls function and they go on to examine what the virtue of the soul is, that allows it to perform its function. From his previous argument regarding the importance of virtue in the performance of ones function, Socrates infers that a non-virtuous soul would do a poor job of ruling etc, while a virtuous soul would do a good job. Then going back to where he and Thrasymachus had agreed that justice was the virtue of the soul, and injustice its vice. This enables Socrates to conclude that a just soul and a just man will achieve human well being and flourish, while an unjust man will not achieve well being and be unhappy. Aristotle agrees with Plato that the good for anything that has a function relies on the implementing of that function. So it follows that Aristotle tries to work out if human beings have a function (the function argument). Then do the carpenter and the leatherworker have their functions and actions, while a human being has none, and is by nature idle, without any function? Or, just as eye, hand, foot and, in general, every part apparently has its functions, may we likewise ascribe to a human being some function besides all theirs? (Nicomachean Ethics Book I Chapter 7 29-33). So assuming that there is a function specific to humans Aristotle discounts sense perceptions because they are not only human traits. He concludes that the human function is to exhibit reason. The function of the excellent man to equal the function of any man the only difference is that the excellent man exhibits his function well. So For Aristotle, the human good seems to be synonymous with human well being. Th us, in order for a human being to be happy, he or she must live a life that successfully expresses reason. Here we see that both agree that to achieve well being, humans must fulfil their function but do they disagree on what that function is? Plato believing that it is living a just life and Aristotle that it is excellent reasoning, I think not, isnt being virtuous having reason ruling over the soul, surely this is the same as exhibiting excellent reason.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Obese Americans and the Return of Lifestyle Nazis :: Health Nutrition Essays
Obese Americans and the Return of Lifestyle Nazis "We are not doing the same kind of things with obesity that we have done with smoking and alcohol as far as the government isconcerned. It's got to be like smoking, a constant drumbeat." That's former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, appearing on CNN, January 11, 2000, calling for the nation's lifestyle Nazis to attack fat people as they attacked smokers. Lifestyle Nazis aren't settling on just obesity, they're targeting meat consumption. Dr. Neal Barnard, president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says, "It's time we looked at holding the meat producers and fast-food outlets legally responsible. Meat consumption is just as dangerous to public health as tobacco use." Doing their part to ban meat consumption, professors at law schools such as Harvard, Rutgersand Georgetown are teaching "animal law" courses. Animals are seen as plaintiffs. Law professors are gearing up by studying old slavery statutes that authorized legal nonpersons to bring lawsuits. Possibly, before long, we might see chickens, cows, pigs and other critters appearing as plaintiffs in court suing for crimes against animals. Morgan Leyh, a member of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) says, "Eating meat is a rich versus poor issue. The rich get fat on meat, while the poor are starving because all the grain is fed to cattle. It's selfish to eat meat - there is no excuse for eating meat." So far as America's poor, that claim reflects unadulterated stupidity. American obesity is mostly a health problem of poor people. But stupidity and callousness is par for the course for PETA. It was PETA president, Ingrid Newkirk, who said slaughter of millions of chickens is a greater tragedy than the Nazi holocaust. She also said that a boy is no more valuable than a clam. PETA has fellow travelers. Guest Choice ( cites fellow traveler, Paul Shapiro, a member of Compassion Over Killing, as saying, "Animals are the most oppressed group on the face of the planet. Eating meat is unethical - it is not your right to say an animal's life is worth a pleasant taste sensation in your mouth." Suppose we didn't slaughter cows for their meat but, instead, just drank their milk? We wouldn't be off the hook; there are anti-milk Nazis. Robert Cohen, a.k.a. "Notmilk Man", director of the Anti-Dairy Coalition, says that there is "no nutritional value to drinking milk.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Foxy Originals expansion into the U.S. market Essay
The problem is determining which plans for expansion is best for Foxy Originals. AnalysisKluger and Orol established Foxy Originals (Foxy) in 1998, a Toronto-based jewellery firm. By designing and manufacturing high style fashion jewelry, Foxy earned a high reputation and their sales were increasing at a fast pace success in Canada. However, based on little by little saturation of Canadian markets, Foxy realized that it was time to expand U.S. market where jewelry market was 10 times bigger than Canadian one. Since America has a huge population base, Foxy has the opportunity to obtain more customers, which in return directly lead to more sales and revenue. As a result, the highest priority was to determine which distribution plans were best for Fox. The distributions include attending trade shows, hiring sales representatives, and a combination of both. U.S. trade shows play as a medium for both seller and buyers. The main advantage of U.S. trade shows is huge buyer volume. If Kluger and Orol attend 10 potential trade shows, they can enhance brand awareness, network with potential customers, and boost sales. On the other hand, high cost and potential risks are the main concern for Foxy. Kluger and Orol need five days of preparation for each show in order to get the best display effect, as well as the high cost for booth layout. Kluger and Orol can hire sales forces as an alternative. Kluger and Orol don’t want Foxy to be available on every street corner in United States. Instead, they aim at entering to key fashion centers such as New York and Los Angeles. Sales forces are just right to solve this issue. They know how to deal with local jewelry store and existing retailers, which is what Foxy just lack of. With some specific training, sales representatives could contribute to expansion U.S. market. However, finding some suitable people is not that easy. Carrying out both methods discussed above meanwhile sounds good, but a new problem emergesâ€â€territory ownership. For instance, Kluger and Orol had have to pay for commission fees on all sales, if Foxy came to a trade show, say, New York while hiring a New York based sales representatives in the same time. This is an industry norm, so Foxy has to follow. The partners also considered about attending the trade shows in the major fashion hubs and sending their sales representatives to some smaller cities; however, if so, that doesn’t help Foxy to establish brand awareness in the United States, as these cities are not fashion-forward. Impact AnalysisImplementing distribution methods could generate some negative impacts if Foxy decides to enter into U.S market. As a result, the main impacts would affect Foxy’s design department and the logistic department. Jewelry designed by Foxy has been approved by Canadian. However, there is uncertainty about the how responsive American customers would be. If American customers prefer other style, whether Foxy needs to play up to U.S. market by changing design style, or hiring new designers? Moreover, Foxy should pay much attention to logistics, because delivering abroad is more complicated. Foxy needs to find a reliable deliver partner who could be responsible for delivering goods on ti me. Criteria for an Effective SolutionCost/Benefit: help Kluger and Orol pick the most cost-effective one to implement. Timeline: which Plans are faster? Complexity: is that distribution strategy easy to control and implement? Degree of Risk: assess each alternatives’ degree of risk Evaluation of AlternativesCost/Benefit Timeline Complexity Degree of Risk Total Points Trade Shows 3 3 3 3 12 Sales Forces 4 4 4 4 16 Combination 2 2 2 2 8 As shown in the Appendix A, each trade show costs $9,433.33 on average. In the best-case scenario, each trade show would generate $4,145.42 profit (Appendix B); however, trade show may lose money as well in the worst-case scenario, $-3,398.33. By adding total 10 potential trade shows together, Foxy would make profit from $-33,983.30 to $41,454.20, which depends on how many orders they receive at each show. Additionally, there are 10 shows during the year, which is effectively low. Preparation is complex as well. Kluger and Orol have to book tickets, arrange time, and set up booth. Also, high uncertainty cannot be overlooked. A delayed flight may waste all the previous efforts they put. Hiring them could be a smart move, although sales forces would be compensated with a 15% commission on all sales. In comparison with trade shows, low investment and high yield is feature of hiring sales forces. Appendix A shows that hiring one sales representative for a year just cost company $6,380.00. In the low projection, each salesman may only sell 10 orders each month so that s/he just makes $19,588.00 profit ever year. Let’s assume that they luck out selling 15 orders per month, and then each salesman can make $32,572.00 annually. Moreover, hiring sales forces is much faster than previous option. By hiring them, Kluger and Orol could spend more time on running business and designing jewellery rather than struggling with difficulties they encounter in America. At first glance, a combination of trade show and hiring sales forces seem to be a perfect alternative, but that’s not true. The annually fixed costs for this combination is $110,253.30 (Appendix B), which is almost 7 times larger than hiring sale forces. These fixed costs are not dependent on the level of goods produced by the business. If sales performance is dissatisfactory, Foxy will take a bath. Plus, Foxy would have to compensate salesmen no matter how due to spillover sales. Therefore, high cost and high risk among other alternatives are main drawback of this option, no doubt. Recommendation As consultant, I highly recommend Foxy should hire sales forces for U.S. expansion. Costs of hiring sales representatives and level of risk are the lowest among other alternatives after comparing. Besides, sales representatives’ rich experience and wide network are fortune for Foxy to enter the U.S. market. In addition, by analyzing break-even point, hiring sales forces has relatively lower B-E point, which means less complexities and low risk to carry out. Simply put, hiring sales representative has several advantagesâ€â€high return, high efficiency, and low investment. Only thing needed to be taken into consideration is the process of selecting, which is actually complicated. A qualified salesman could boost sales, but an unsuitable one could try to help but causing more trouble in process. Action Plan Action By Whom When Posting Job Kluger and Orol need to identify job requirement. Then HR department should follow normal hiring procedures posting jobs at website and employment agencies. By July, 2004 Selecting Schedule interviews with candidates and rank them. After Posting Providing Training Provide training to suitable sales representative; make them familiar with Foxy’s jewelry. Before 2005 Planning and Controlling Sales representatives carry out expansion plan in U.S. market. They need to provide timely feedback in order to help Foxy compare actual results with target performance. Since 2005 Foxy should hire sales forces and provide training to them by the end of 2004. As owners, Kluger and Orol should work with HR to draft the job requirement. Timely feedback is quite important once they start implementing plan, when Foxy encounters the block from local business. Furthermore, comparing actual results with target performance, Foxy can take actions to respond to these unexpected changes.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
â€Å"My Birth & Childhood†– add Interesting facts about your childhood (family, location. School, hobbies) in bullet form Born on 25 August 1530-28 March 1584 in Exoskeletons, Russia Ivan was the son of Visalia Ill Elena Gallingly was his mother she acted as a regent, but she died of what many bell eve to be assassination by poison His Grandpa was Ivan the Great and he was Ivan the Terrible He became Grand Prince of Moscow at the age of 3 when his father died, but due to political intrigues going on at the time, he spent most of his childhood imprisoned in dungeon while his mother managed affairs of state.Years later when his mother died of what many believe was a poisoning, he had reached the level of education necessary to become leader of the country. Ivan was a lonely kid who was for the most part neglected by his family, who were buy sys poisoning and stabbing each other. He spent his time reading voraciously and torture Eng little animals. Hobbles Included drink ing beer, playing the trombone, raping and kill Eng people. And throwing pets out of the upper windows of the Kremlin. 2. â€Å"My Adult Life†– add interesting facts about growing up as a young adult.Marriage, implies, work, travel – In bullet form Smart and a keen reader, early on Ivan started dreaming of unlimited power. In 1547, aged 16, he was finally crowned Czar of all Russia, the first ruler to officially assume t he title. The young ruler started out as a reformer, modernizing and centralizing the coo entry. He had his first rival executed at age 13. This execution effectively ended the political struggles within the Russian state that had persisted throughout his childhood. His father died at the age of 3 and his mother died at the age of 8 Ivan had a poor health, he was largely ignoredEveryone would do terrible things to him but he would become smarter and he wool d get revenge He had 7 wives and his first one was the happiest and when she died he wen t into full ‘OFF 3. â€Å"What I Am Most Remembered For & My Death†– add interesting fact about your accomplishments, or your failures – in bullet form Ivan also pressed to turn his country into a military heavyweight. Back then, the Attar armies repeatedly devastated Russian's northeast. In 1552 Ivan crushed the Attar stronghold of Kane and then another one – Astrakhan.Ivan oversaw rapid expansion of Russia, largely by conquest, which opened Russia up o trade with Europe and new ideas, and his self- appointment as Tsar of Russia was a large factor in unifying Russia under one leader. He introduced new laws, many of which consolidated the power of his central government over the boyar of Russian's past. La was to restrict the movement of peasants helped to solidify his rule, and also laid the ground dork for serfdom, which would cause his ancestors so many headaches.Ivan IV Vehicles, known in English as Ivan the Terrible, was Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533. The epithet â€Å"Groggy†is associated with mighty, power and strict sees, rather than horror or cruelty. Ivan oversaw numerous changes in the transition from medieval nation state to an empire and emerging regional power, and became the fir SST Tsar of a new and more powerful nation. Ivan died from a stroke while playing chess with Bogged Belles In foreign policy, Ivan IV had two main goals: to resist the Mongol Golden Horde and t gain access to the Baltic Sea.Ultimately, he aimed to conquer all remaining independent .NET regions and create a larger, more centralized Russia. 4. â€Å"What_(your real name) Found the Most Fascinating About Me†– write what you, the student found the most fascinating about your character†¦ s if you were e the interviewer. One of Moscow most famous landmarks is a reminder of this drive to expand Russia ‘s borders. SST. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square was built by Van's order to commemorate Khan's invasion an d other key victories in the Attar campaign.A popular legend has it that the work was done by two architects – Position and Barman. When Ivan saw the finished cathedral he liked it so much that he had the architects blinded to prevent t hem from building anything like it elsewhere. Had 7 wife Historic sources present disparate accounts of Van's complex personality: he was scribed as intelligent and devout, yet given to rages and prone to episodic outbreak goofs mental illness He would kill people knock old people over, find women and do many terrible things t them, also he would rob and steal many things, lastly he would devour history books.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
History Summary of the Country of Ireland essays
History Summary of the Country of Ireland essays Ireland has been inhabited since Stone Age times. For more than five thousand years peoples moving westwards across the European continent have settled in the country and each new group of immigrants, Celts, Vikings, Normans, English, has contributed to its present population. In 1841, shortly before the Great Famine, the area comprising the present Irish State had a population of over 6.5 million. The next census (1851) showed a massive decline to 5.1 million for the same area, due to deaths from starvation and disease and large-scale emigration. The outflow thus begun became a dominant feature of the population pattern over the succeeding years. By 1961 the population of the State stood at 2.8 million, the lowest census figure on record. From 1961 onwards the pattern changed. A combination of natural increase and the commencement of inward net migration resulting from increased prosperity produced an average annual rise in population of 0.6% in the period 1981 to 1986. Between 1986 and 1991, largely as a result of the resumption of emigration, an average annual fall in population of 0.1% was recorded. At the 1991 census, the total population of the State was 3,525,719. In 1994 the population was estimated at 3.571 million. The major centers of population are Dublin (915,000), Cork (174,000), Limerick (75,000), Galway (51,000), Waterford (42,000), and Dundalk (30,000). 59% of the populations live in cities and towns of 1,000 people or more. Overall population density is 51 persons per square kilometer with large variations between the east and south, where densities are highest, and the less populous west of the country. A high proportion of the population is concentrated in the younger age groups. Approximately 43% of the population is under 25, and approximately 27% is under 15. In 1993 for the first time on record, the birth rate fell below the minimum population replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman during child-...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Celsius Temperature Scale Definition
Celsius Temperature Scale Definition The Celsius temperature scale is a common System Internationale (SI) temperature scale (the official scale is Kelvin). The Celsius scale is based on a derived unit defined by assigning the temperatures of 0 °C and 100 °C to the freezing and boiling points of water, respectively, at 1 atm pressure. More precisely, the Celsius scale is defined by absolute zero and the triple point of pure water. This definition allows easy conversion between the Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales, such that absolute zero is defined to be precisely 0 K and −273.15  °C. The triple point of water is defined to be 273.16 K (0.01  °C; 32.02  °F). The interval between one degree Celsius and one Kelvin are exactly the same. Note the degree is not used in the Kelvin scale because it is an absolute scale. The Celsius scale is named in honor of Anders Celsius, a Swedish astronomer who devised a similar temperature scale. Before 1948, when the scale was re-named Celsius, it was known as the centigrade scale. However, the terms Celsius and centigrade dont mean precisely the same thing. A centigrade scale is one which has 100 steps, such as the degree units between freezing and boiling of water. The Celsius scale is thus an example of a centigrade scale. The Kelvin scale is another centigrade scale. Also Known As: Celsius scale, centigrade scale Common Misspellings: Celcius scale Interval Versus Ratio Temperature Scales Celsius temperatures follow a relative scale or interval system rather than an absolute scale or ratio system. Examples of ratio scales include those used to measure distance or mass. If you double the value of mass (e.g., 10 kg to 20 kg), you know the doubled quantity contains twice the amount of matter and that the change in the amount of matter from 10 to 20 kg is the same as from 50 to 60 kg. The Celsius scale does not work this way with heat energy. The difference between 10  °C and 20  °C and that between 20  °C and 30  °C is 10 degrees, but a 20  °C temperature does not have twice the heat energy of a 10  °C temperature. Reversing the Scale One interesting fact about the Celsius scale is that Anders Celsius original scale was set to run in the opposite direction. Originally the scale was devised so that water boiled at 0 degrees and ice melted at 100 degrees! Jean-Pierre Christin proposed the change. Proper Format for Recording a Celsius Measurement The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) states that a Celsius measurement should be recorded in the following manner: The number is placed before the degree symbol and unit. There should be a space between the number and the degree symbol. For example, 50.2  °C is correct, while 50.2 °C or 50.2 °Ã‚ C are incorrect. Melting, Boiling, and Triple Point Technically, the modern Celsius scale is based on the triple point of Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water and on absolute zero, meaning neither the melting point nor boiling point of water defines the scale. However, the difference between the formal definition and the common one is so small as to be insignificant in practical settings. There is only a 16.1 millikelvin difference between the boiling point of water, comparing the original and modern scales. To put this into perspective, moving 11 inches (28 cm) in altitude changes the boiling point of water one millikelvin.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 96
Discussion - Essay Example Further, the author provides 7 strategic ways of ensuring professional leadership by maintaining a balanced EQ. These range from developing healthy escapism to preemptive measures in a bid to avoid indecision as a result of emotional instability. While Mulqueen concurs to psychological factors that catalyze emotional aggression and consequent indecisiveness, he maintains that these triggers can be well countered and resolved. His main remedy is to distract the mind from anger by focusing on situations that detract the escalating tension away (Mulqueen). In this feature, Frank Kalman discusses the benefits of planning ahead despite the uncertainties typical to the future. In his submissions, Kalman explains how one can come up with an educated guess by realistically considering each determinant factor. Whereas even the most informed predictions fail occasionally, having a good plan is far much wiser an initiative than lacking plans at all. As Kalman asserts, even senior leaders fail on their predictions from time to time and therefore do not expect their subordinates to make perfect predictions. All that is required is a well researched plan to ensure an organization maintains its focus on success (Kalman). The CLO is an essential resource centre for all business persons. Besides orienting its users on matters business and empowering many to make smart decisions, the site also features updated business news from around the world. The site’s subscribers enjoy free learning materials such as magazines, which provide detailed reports and articles including those cited in this essay. Another consumer benefit for CLO Media users is that article writers are usually experts in the fields they contribute
Friday, November 1, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Corporate Social Responsibility - Essay Example Corporate Social Responsibility There are various potential conflicts in the method of preparing documents and construction of strong approach and business activities. Corporate Responsibility is just a relative approach and has an objective basis, which is also known as unsustainable development methodology (Aras, Aybars and Kutlu, 2010). It is also considered as a radical managerial approach. The various other CSR theories help in development of continuums with the focus on integration of business activities with community activities. Organizations have developed several measures for dealing with the strategic societal, environmental and community needs which have led to the incurring of huge amount of expenditure in the organizations. Small and medium enterprises do not have the necessary resources for developing or implementing the CSR tools and approaches (Burger, 2011). When a company wants to improve its social performance, it divulges itself through social activities like providing charitable donations, org anizing charitable associations and sponsoring activities. The study will deal with the concepts of CSR and its role in financial crisis along with its future prospects. The author of the study will also highlight the relevance of CSR and the guidelines for implementing CSR techniques developed by leading associations. Finally, the study will also incorporate the various legal requirements, regulations and guidelines related to the CSR concept. Evolution & History of Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is regarded as a technique which helps the organization in its evaluation of the business activities and its impact on the society and environment through ethical and transparent decision making (WBSCD, 2013). CSR has evolved as a challenge for the entire business and academic community as it involves a time consuming systematic approach and also a thorough knowledge of the existing sustainable issues (Chen, 2011). From the academic perspective, it ha s become one of the most relevant and purposeful research topics which have provided relevance to the functioning of the organizations (Chen, 2011). In the academic perspective, it has moved on to an overall new organizational level which already includes the impact on the organizational outcome. Theorist Carroll (1960, cited by Chen, 2011) has laid emphasis on the theoretical orientation of the normative and performance oriented ethics which have the ability to increase the organizational outcome. This in turn have a positive impact on the exiting business systems. The evolution of CSR concept has been associated with the inception of the subject of organizational behaviour. In 1919, the shareholders of Ford had decided to grant the request of the Dodge brothers for maximum dividends. This decision was made by the director of the company, Mr. Henry Ford whose main intention was to reinvest the accumulated gains of the company on plant expansion. He stated that one of the major obje ctives of Ford was to cater to the betterment of community development. William Clay Ford Jr had tried his best to convince the existing shareholders regarding the organization’s contribution towards the welfare of the entire society and community. Theorist Bowen (1980, cited by Chen, 2011) had regarded that organizations are vital fulcrum of power and the actions of the organizatio
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Thermochemistry Hess' law Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Thermochemistry Hess' law - Lab Report Example Thermochemistry, which is a branch of thermodynamics deals with the assessment of heat energy transfer linked with chemical reactions in the lab. Learning about these heat energy transfer linked with three different chemical reactions is important for testing Hess’s law which states that: â€Å"The enthalpy change for any reaction depends on the products and reactants and is independent of the pathway or the number of steps between the reactant and product†(Regger et al 189). The knowledge obtained from this experiment is intrinsic for the chemists who usually keep track of the changes witnessed in the chemical bonds when carrying out ta chemical reaction. 200 ml of distilled water was put in the Styrofoam calorimeter followed by stirring with a thermometer. The reading in the thermometer was monitored up to the point when constant temperature was reached. 2 grams of sodium hydroxide was placed into the water and stirred with the thermometer until the highest temperature was reached. 200 ml of 0.25 ml of hydrochloric acid was placed in Styrofoam and stirred with a thermometer to ensure a constant temperature was reached. 2 grams of sodium hydroxide was placed into the hydrochloric acid and stirred with the thermometer until the highest temperature was reached. 100 ml of 0.50 M of hydrochloric acid solution was put into calorimeter while 100 ml of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide was placed in a 250 ml beaker, at room temperature. The temperature and volumes for each was measured. The sodium hydroxide solution was then added into the Styrofoam cup containing the solution of hydrochloric acid. The mixture was stirred with the thermometer until the highest temperature was reached. According to the result obtained from the experiment, Hess’ law â€Å"The enthalpy change for any reaction depends on the products and reactants and is independent of the pathway or the number of steps between the reactant and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Survey of Satisfaction with College Facilities
Survey of Satisfaction with College Facilities Assignment 1 1. Plan for collection of Primary data and secondary data Primary data is the data which is collected directly from the field, i.e., it is first hand data and the secondary data is collected from some other source, i.e. second hand data. In this given problem primary data can be collected through interview to the Students and Staffs of the college. A Questionnaire will be prepared which will be filled up on the response of these individuals. Based on the information provided by them the database will be prepared and thus the primary data will be collected. In case of secondary data, the data could be collected from any organization / department which collects the school/college data or from any journal or from any Researcher. 2. Present the survey methodology and sampling frame used There are different areas in the college which are simultaneously used both by the Students of the college as well as the Staffs of the college. Considering those area alongwith few other he questionnaire is prepared. The survey will be then conducted on the basis of that and a selected sample will be chosen randomly from the students and from the staffs. Here since one has to plan a survey methodology, first thing which has to be done is to identify the sample members. For this purpose a total number of 50 individuals may be selected form70 students and 30 staffs taking 50% from each group (that is 35+15=50). Now, the Interview method will be used here for collection of data. Data on satisfaction level of each individual will be collected on different variables. Once the sampling units is finalized, sampling frame needed to be done. Sampling frame is basically the area/ space from where the sampling is to be done. Here one has to see whether all the units in the population are avail able in the sample. List of students and staffs must be representative of all classes and segments of the college. The level of satisfaction will be coded as 5= very good, 4= good, 3= average, 2= bad, 1= very bad, in five categories, following Likert scaling. 3. Design a questionnaire to know the opinion of students and staff on the matter Gender†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Origin †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Age†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Very good Good Average Bad Very Bad How much satisfied are you on the overall infrastructure of the college? How much satisfied will you be if Laundry facilities are available? How much satisfied are you with the Hostel facilities of the college? How much satisfied are you with the gym? How much satisfied are you with the parking facility of the college? How much satisfied are you on the toilet facilities? How much satisfied are you on the structure of labs in the college? 4. Information for decision making by summarizing data using representative values The data collected from the after the survey is recoded as per Likert scaling and is as below: How much satisfied are you on the overall infrastructure of the college? How much satisfied will you be if Laundry facilities are available? How much satisfied are you with the Hostel facilities of the college? How much satisfied are you with the gym? How much satisfied are you with the parking facility of the college? How much satisfied are you on the toilet facilities? How much satisfied are you on the structure of labs in the college? 1 4 2 2 5 2 2 4 2 5 4 4 2 3 4 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 4 4 5 1 1 2 4 3 4 5 4 2 2 1 2 5 4 6 1 4 2 2 1 2 4 7 2 2 4 4 2 4 2 8 5 3 2 2 4 5 5 9 3 5 1 3 2 2 4 10 4 2 2 5 3 2 2 11 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 12 5 5 2 5 2 4 2 13 2 2 3 4 4 1 4 14 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 15 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 16 3 4 2 4 2 2 4 17 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 18 4 2 2 5 2 2 5 19 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 20 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 4 1 3 4 3 1 2 22 5 2 5 4 5 2 2 23 2 3 2 4 2 3 4 24 5 2 4 4 4 4 2 25 4 1 2 2 5 4 3 26 5 2 4 5 2 4 5 27 4 3 2 4 4 2 2 28 3 4 1 2 2 3 4 29 5 4 2 1 1 5 5 30 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 31 3 4 2 4 5 4 2 32 4 2 3 2 2 2 4 33 5 3 5 3 4 4 4 34 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 35 5 4 4 4 1 1 2 36 4 3 5 2 2 2 3 37 3 2 2 1 4 4 2 38 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 39 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 40 3 2 4 2 5 5 3 41 5 5 1 3 4 2 2 42 4 4 2 5 5 2 1 43 5 2 3 4 4 1 2 44 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 45 5 4 1 4 4 2 4 46 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 47 5 4 3 4 4 2 4 48 3 2 2 4 4 4 2 49 5 5 4 2 3 2 3 50 4 4 3 5 3 3 5 5. For Analytical; purpose the variables are denoting as below: How much satisfied are you on the overall infrastructure of the college? How much satisfied will you be if Laundry facilities are available? How much satisfied are you with the Hostel facilities of the college? How much satisfied are you with the gym? How much satisfied are you with the parking facility of the college? How much satisfied are you on the toilet facilities? How much satisfied are you on the structure of labs in the college? overall infrastructure Laundry facilities Hostel facilities gym parking facility toilet facilities structure of labs Mean overall infrastructure 3.88 Laundry facilities 3 Hostel facilities 2.66 gym 3.26 parking facility 3 toilet facilities 2.7 structure of labs 3.06 The average of the Overall infrastructure is 3.88 which indicated that on average people are recognizing the overall infrastructure as almost â€Å"GOOD†. When it was asked â€Å"How much satisfied will you be if Laundry facilities are available?†, the mean response is 3 which is Average. This is quite sensible because this facility is yet to be there in the college. Regarding â€Å"Hostel facilities†, the average response is below averages which indicate that there is some urgent need to repair this sector. Gym facility is slightly more than the â€Å"Average†. The condition is better than â€Å"Average†but less than â€Å"Good†In case of â€Å"parking facility†the satisfaction level is exactly â€Å"Average†which indicates that there is scope to improve the sector. Satisfaction level on â€Å"Toilet facilities†is below average which also requires urgent attention of the college authority. Structure of Labs also requires some kind of attention. 6. Drawing valid conclusions based on information derived from the survey Laundry The above diagram shows that 36% are saying good to Laundry facility and also 36% is recognizing it as Bad. Only 8% is saying it â€Å"very Good†and 8% is saying very Bad. Some kind of symmetrical situation is observed here. It seems that the service provider is paying good attention to selected individuals. Hostel facilities In case of Hostel 46% saying it â€Å"Bad†and this is a matter of concern. While discussing with Average values, the data indicates the same urgency. But at the same time it can be observed that 24% , which is in 2nd position as far as percentages in concern, is saying is good. It may indicate that some portion of the Hostel is having better situation than the rest. Also 6% feeling their accommodation as â€Å"Very Good†. Gym While discussing about Gym, which is yet to be established, 48% is in favour of this, out of which 42% saying it as a Good facility and 6% as â€Å"Very Good†facility. Parking The above diagram shows that 38% are saying â€Å"Bad†to Parking facility and also 30% is recognizing it as â€Å"Good†. Only 8% is saying it â€Å"very Bad†and 12% is saying â€Å"Very Good†. Toilet In case of Toilet 44% saying it â€Å"Bad†and this is also a matter of concern. While discussing with Average values, the data indicates the same urgency. But at the same time it can be observed that 22% is saying is good. It may indicate that there is also some better situation. Also 8% feeling as â€Å"Very Good†. Lab In case of Lab, which is more related to education, 46% is in favour of this, out of which 36% saying it as a Good facility and 10% as â€Å"Very Good†facility. 7. Trend lines Now as per the given question, the trend lines have to be created in the spreadsheet graph. For this purpose , here the intercept is considered as zero(0) and then the equation is shown alongwith the scatter plot and the trend line. Here the first variable â€Å"Overall infrastructure†is considered as the Dependent Variable and there are other six independent variable. Taking each Independent variables separately, the trend line along with the graph will be created. Case 1. Overall infrastructure and Satisfaction on Laundry: As shown in the graph, the required equation is Y=.732x Case 2. Overall infrastructure and Satisfaction on Hostel: The required equation is Y= .659X Case 3. Overall infrastructure and Satisfaction on Gym : The required equation is Y= .787X Case 4. Overall infrastructure and Satisfaction on Parking facility : The equation here is Y= .740X. Case 5. Overall infrastructure and Satisfaction on Toilet facility : Here the equation is Y=.656x Case 5.Overall infrastructure and Satisfaction on Toilet facility : Here the equation is Y= .735x 9.Business Report All the equations are formed considering the variables separately. In each equation, if value of x is given, the estimated value of Y will be obtained by solving the equation with simple calculation. The dependent variable is considered as â€Å"Overall infrastructure:†which actually says whether there is really any need of ‘refurbishing the whole college†or not. This dependent variable depends on several other issues/ factors as considered as Independent variable. So, taking care or giving attention on those areas actually help the project to take decision whether or not this could be done. The above analysis tells which area needs utmost attention and which area is somehow okay up to this. Based on the analysis, one could say that the two issues .i.e. Toilet and Hostel need to be addressed seriously. Assignment 2 Question No.1 X = scores of a market survey regarding the acceptability of a new product launch by a company Frequency Table with a class interval of 5 Class interval 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 frequency 2 0 1 1 6 2 10 8 2 Mean, variance and standard deviation. Mean () = ,where N = and Variance = ÃÆ'2= 2 Standard Deviation = Square root of variance. And Xi here will be the mid value of the class interval. The following table is being constructed for the required calculations. Class interval mid value(xi) frequency 5-10 7.5 2 10-15 12.5 0 15-20 17.5 1 20-25 22.5 1 25-30 27.5 6 30-35 32.5 2 35-40 37.5 10 40-45 42.5 8 45-50 47.5 2 247.5 = 32 Here mid value(xi) frequency 7.5 2 56.25 15 112.5 12.5 0 156.25 0 0 17.5 1 306.25 17.5 306.25 22.5 1 506.25 22.5 506.25 27.5 6 756.25 165 4537.5 32.5 2 1056.25 65 2112.5 37.5 10 1406.25 375 14062.5 42.5 8 1806.25 340 14450 47.5 2 2256.25 95 4512.5 247.5 = 32 = 8306.25 = 1095 = 40600 Mean = = 1095/32 = 34.22 Variance = ÃÆ'2= (40600/32) – (34.22)2 = 97.83 Standard Deviation = Square root of variance =9.90 Score corresponding to 50% percentile. 50% percentile is also the median. Here the data set has to be written in increasing order 8 8 18 25 26 26 27 27 29 30 32 35 36 37 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 45 45 48 49 There are 32 observations in all => There will be two middle values. The average of those two middle values will be the value corresponding to 50% percentile or the Median. Now since both are 39 implies the average is also 39. So, it could be said that the score 39 corresponds to 50% percentile. Calculate the location of third quartile. Rewriting the data set in increasing order: 8 8 18 25 26 26 27
Friday, October 25, 2019
Examine the development and effects of the relationship between Pip Ess
Examine the development and effects of the relationship between Pip and Estella Pip and Estella's story is not about living happily ever after. Dickens never tells us what happens, if anything, between them in the end. He leaves it only that they remain friends. There is a purpose for this. Dickens novel is about Pip's quest for Estella's love and what he is willing to do to gain it. I think that the story is never about the love itself. We can see this because in the majority of the story, Estella is only present in Pip's heart and thoughts. The actual interaction between the characters Dickens keeps at a minimum. To make this a love story, the characters would have to carry out some sort of loving affection towards each other, which they don't do, although I do believe that Pip loves Estella but she thinks it is impossible that she will ever love, and so does not ever like the idea of Pip's affection; as a friend she repeatedly warns him off. I think that most of us regard a woman without feeling, who torments others, with disapproval, but it is not Estella's faul... Examine the development and effects of the relationship between Pip Ess Examine the development and effects of the relationship between Pip and Estella Pip and Estella's story is not about living happily ever after. Dickens never tells us what happens, if anything, between them in the end. He leaves it only that they remain friends. There is a purpose for this. Dickens novel is about Pip's quest for Estella's love and what he is willing to do to gain it. I think that the story is never about the love itself. We can see this because in the majority of the story, Estella is only present in Pip's heart and thoughts. The actual interaction between the characters Dickens keeps at a minimum. To make this a love story, the characters would have to carry out some sort of loving affection towards each other, which they don't do, although I do believe that Pip loves Estella but she thinks it is impossible that she will ever love, and so does not ever like the idea of Pip's affection; as a friend she repeatedly warns him off. I think that most of us regard a woman without feeling, who torments others, with disapproval, but it is not Estella's faul...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Being a leader
Since my childhood I am self motivated and committed to my work, due to my family background. My grandfather taught me a lot about discipline. I learned work ethics from my father in the first place through his attitude with colleagues at work and at home with the members of the family. My education in engineering provided important technical knowledge, which ought to be entwined with the aforesaid principles. My software experience enhanced my skills in system analysis and bug fixing. I am a quick learner and a practical problem solver.I am good at leveraging my past experience into new technologies. I proved my commitment and project management skills by meeting the project deadlines at Countrywide Home loans. Management at Countrywide awarded me with Star Search Award, which portrays my adaptability and result oriented nature. Traditionally theorists stated that good leaders or not made but born (Lussier N. R. , 2006, p460). However, nowadays it is believed that leadership skills can be learned (Orlitzky M. et al 2003, p128-138). The following experiences also prove my leadership skills.After successful completion of my tertiary education in Computer Science and Engineering, I was offered a job in â€Å"FJ Benjamin & Holdings,†Singapore in December 1995 after rigorous initial screening. At that time I was a team member of a group that was involved in developing an application for in house use. During its development phase many people left the company seeking better opportunities elsewhere. This led the director in charge of the project to think that the wrong decision was taken since the upper management initially was inclined to purchase the project rather than developing it in house.It was on the insistence of this Director that the company agreed to develop the application in house. Thus it was up to the Director to complete the work on time. I then took the matter at hand and commenced contacting my friends and others to join our group, in order to attain the objectives set. I induced some of my friends to join in the organization and thus helped in the continuance of the project at hand. Ultimately, we were successful in developing and implementing the project.Even though the project took more time than expected due to the adversaries faced, management was content that the project was completed with in the budget set. I was recognized and rewarded for my initiative and coordination of the staff accordingly. References: Lussier N. R. (2006). Management Fundamentals. Third Edition. United States of America: Thomson South-Western. Orlitzky M. ; Benjamin J. (2003). The effects of sea composition on small-group performance in a business school case competition, Academy of Management Learning, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 128-138.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Nuclear Energy Essay
There are many advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power. Nuclear power is said to prevent power outages that happen in areas without nuclear power. For an example, if we were using hydroelectricity and the dam suddenly malfunctions, then we won’t have electricity until someone fixes the dam, and that would be difficult if it happened in the middle of the night. However, on the other hand, nuclear power is also considered toxic and it pollutes the Earth with harmful and deadly waste. Here are a few reasons why we should and should not use nuclear power. One of the reasons why we should use nuclear power is that it doesn’t pollute like coal and other fossil fuels. Scientists have said that using nuclear power is used to power electricity in most homes. They have also been saying that nuclear power tend to work better than using fossil fuels, gas power, and hydroelectric power. Since scientists are saying it works better, than we can use more nuclear power than using fossil fuels, gas power, and hydroelectric power. Another reason why we should use nuclear power is that scientists have said that it is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy in one single nuclear power plant unlike coal, gas, hydroelectric power plants since they need a few to power electricity. This is important because it costs more to build a nuclear power plant than to build a coal, gas, or hydroelectric power plant. That way, we can save money by building one nuclear power plant instead of a few coal, gas, or hydro electric power plants. One more reason why we should use nuclear power is that scientists have been saying that the affect of global warming because of nuclear has been relatively little compared to coal, gas, and hydroelectric power. If we keep using nuclear power for electricity and other good uses, then there would be less global warming, but if we start to use more and more fossil fuels, then global warming will keep increasing in the future, so to prevent this, we can use nuclear energy. One of the reasons why we should not use nuclear power is that nuclear power is that nuclear energy releases radiation such as alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Alpha particles can cause skin injuries similar to severe burns, beta particles can travel into the body and damage cells, and finally, gamma rays can deliver intense energy to the cells and cause severe damage. Radiation from nuclear energy can wipe out the human generation, since mutation usually occurs when a person is affected by radiation. In order to prevent this from happening, we shouldn’t take chances and use nuclear energy. Another reason why we shouldn’t use nuclear power is because it takes many years for it to decay. Unlike coal, gas, and hydroelectric power, once you use it, it is not done. After a point where it has no more nuclear power, there are still radioactive waves in it that will still damage your cells. After the half-life of the radioactive element occurs, which could take a long time , only half of it has decayed. Nuclear energy can help, but later on we would have to dispose the nuclear waste to decay in a remote location. If we need remote locations to dispose nuclear waste, then one day we would run out of those areas, and possibly half of the world will be not be accessible to humans due to nuclear waste occupying the areas. One more reason why we shouldn’t use nuclear power is that one of the types of nuclear energy, nuclear fission produces high amounts of nuclear waste. Scientists have been saying that if we use nuclear energy, then we should be disposed off at a safe place since they are extremely hazardous and can leak radiation if not stored properly. If the wastes somehow get into the freshwater and saltwater systems, then all the sea animals will get affected, and we won’t be able to drink the water from the freshwater. Another type of nuclear energy, nuclear fusion doesn’t produce any nuclear waste unlike nuclear fission, but it is really hard to make, so since it is hard to make, it won’t be helpful for everyday electricity. In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages against nuclear energy, but I think that as long as we keep the nuclear power plant is in a remote location where no one can go and get affected, we can use nuclear energy. When the nucle ar waste is produced, then we can dispose it off at a safe place since it’s extremely hazardous and can leak radiation if not stored properly. If we are going to use nuclear energy, then we should handle it carefully even if it is for electricity because if it is misused, then people who are affected by the radiation from the energy will have mutations or possibly even die.
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