Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Importance of the Tutor in Electra - 1623 Words
Importance of the Tutor in Electra When delving into a novel, drama or other character-based text, analysts often focus their search around the supposed major characters who seem to most directly affect the work. In considering Electra, however, just as valuable as Orestes, Clytemnestra or Electra herself is a somewhat minor character, the Tutor. This attendant of Orestes emerges only three times and is on stage for less than twenty percent of the spoken lines, yet his role in driving the plot is as great as any. If Aristotle, one of the true masters of ancient thought, is correct in saying The Plot, then, is the first principle, and, as it were, the soul of a tragedy, then the Tutor can truly be considered one of the most†¦show more content†¦This tragedy hinges on the deception that enables Orestes to murder the king and queen, a deception provided entirely by the Tutor. Not only does he fabricate Orestes death but also tries to further build Clytemnestras false confidence with distinct allusions to her new ly gained safety. He introduces himself to the queen as a bearer of good news(667) and upon seeing her mixed reaction to this news he tries to sway her towards confidence with lines like, My lady, why so sad?(768) and So it seems that I have come in vain(772). The Tutor proves himself to be a master of deception while within his lie subtly glorifying both Orestes and his father. He slips in mention of Agamemnon, who commanded all / The Greeks at Troy(694-695) and praises his son as admired by all(684), swift and strong / No less than beautiful(685-686) and the driver of the finest Thessalian mares(703) in the world. An observer of the scene might consider this exaltation a sort of eulogy of the fallen son, but with the knowledge that Orestes will soon rise up to dethrone his parents there is rich irony in such boasting, deep undertones that further solidify the Tutors position of importance. With the beguiling speech offered by the Tutor, the concepts of Peripeteia or Reversal of the Situation, and Recognition are both infused intoShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesLeale Production Project Manager: Becca Groves Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Operations Specialist: Cathleen Petersen Senior Art Director: Janet Slowik Art Director: Kenny Beck Text and Cover Designer: Wanda Espana OB Poll Graphics: Electra Graphics Cover Art: honey comb and a bee working / Shutterstock / LilKar Sr. Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service Project Management: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Case Study Ford Vs. Wainwright Case - 1426 Words
Facts of the case Ford vs. Wainwright case was of a man from Florida that was sentenced to execution because of his conviction of murder of a police officer during a robbery. Despite his argument of insanity, he was still thought to be eligible for execution. As he stayed in prison his mental state seemed to diminish. He became confused and delusional overtime and obsessed with the Ku Klux Klan. He felt conspired against and thought it was because others wanted him to commit suicide. He believed that the prison guards, part of the conspiracy, had been killing people and putting the bodies in the concrete enclosures used for beds. He believed that his female relatives were being tortured and sexually abused somewhere in the prison. He began to refer to himself as the pope and reported having appointed nine new justices to the Florida Supreme Court. Ford was appointed to a doctor that reviewed his illness, but Ford later decided not to work with him because he felt that the doctor also was part of the c onspiracy theory. According to Farringer (2001), â€Å"Justice Powell s concurring opinion, on the other hand, found that the appropriate standard is whether the prisoner is aware of the punishment she is about to suffer and the reasons she is to suffer it†(p.2441). Ford was interviewed again and thought he should go free because of his condition and understanding of what the law was about mentally ill patients and how it would be considered inhumane in his mind because of theShow MoreRelatedLife or Death: The Death Penalti1012 Words  | 4 Pagesthose people that oppose the idea of capital punishment. I oppose this action for many reasons. One being that capital punishment drains millions of dollars from more effective safety precautions (Morgenthau 14). A second, a 1987 study in Stanford Law Review identified 350 cases in this century in which innocent people were wrongly convicted of crimes for which they have received the death penalty; of that number 23 were executed ( Morgenthau 14). Lastly, research has shown that nearly all Death Row inmatesRead MoreCapital Punishment Is The Lawful Infliction Of Punishment1300 Words  | 6 Pagesonto a pregnant woman, which has bee a common law traced back to ancient times. Several Supreme Court cases added to the limitations of capital punishment. The court case Coker vs. Georgia, added that rape against an adult woman should be unconstitutional to be a punishment of the death penalty. It was viewed as excessive punishment and a violation of the eighth amendment. Ford vs. Wainwright withheld the penalty of insane persons to be eligible for the death penalty until proven of mental competencyRead MoreCapital Punishment : An Issue Of Bias1878 Words  | 8 Pagesthe fairness of the administration of punishment†(Cohen and Smith). The statistical study suggested that defendants had a higher probability of receiving the death penalty for a case involving a white victim than a black victim. The Death Row Report U.S.A., revised summer of 2013, showed that of the 1964 national victims since 1977, 1499 were White, 298 were Black, and to support Cohan and Smith’s claim of white vs. black victims, the report broke down the racial demographic further to show that moreRead More What Would be Your Candidates Position on th e Death Penalty?3810 Words  | 16 Pagesto their moral teachings, especially that justice consists of the ideal â€Å"an eye for an eye†(Heim 2), but they feel that it is unnecessarily used in the United States (Bedau). Therefore in a case like this the argument of the death penalty’s legality is no longer an issue, it becomes an issue of in what cases can the death penalty be fairly implied (EWTN). This issue is rather important because the majority of Americans with religious affiliations are mainly Jewish and Christian, and their beliefsRead MoreIss 225 John Molloy Final Exam Study Guide Fall Semester 20128139 Words  | 33 Pages`ISS 225: POWER, AUTHORITY EXCHANGE Study Guide, Final Exam, Fall 2012 Unit IV: Courts and Civil Liberties Professor Molloy The final exam will be given in the regular classroom 109 South Kedzie Hall Section 001 will take its final on Monday, Dec. 10 from 7:45-9:45 a.m. Section 002 will take its test on Monday, Dec. 10 from 12:45 - 2:45 p.m. The classroom is not large enough to accommodate two large sections, so you must take the exam when it is scheduled by the universityRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesexposure to marketing principles, if not to marketing practice. The intended market of the book comprises the following segments: âž ¡ Students reading for degrees involving marketing (especially MBA candidates and senior undergraduates following business studies programmes) âž ¡ Students of The Chartered Institute of Marketing who are preparing for the Marketing Planning paper in the CIM’s Diploma examinations âž ¡ Marketing practitioners who will benefit from a comprehensive review of current thinking in the field
Monday, December 9, 2019
Pera free essay sample
Because it is precise to the extent of defining which parties are liable for which violations, the resolution is at core fair warning to all election actors that violations may be committed only as pure acts of Ignorance or defiance of the law, or even, as sheer allure of logic or character or Intention on the part of violators. Comely personnel from headquarters (Campaign Finance unit) to the field have been designated as implementing agents throughout the election period, and unto the audit of election spending reports.It lists down as well the duties of all parties authorized to receive and spend donations, Issue and secure contracts for advertising and other services from the candidates and parties, and proscribes what expenses are allowed and disallowed in law. It stresses, too, the prohibitions against use of state resources, ands, and facilities for partisan campaigns, and against civil servants and uniformed personnel. Entitles with government contracts. We will write a custom essay sample on Pera or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Foreigners. And all public agencies from donating or serving with the candidates and political parties.The resolution spells out 16 various unlawful acts, omissions and activities related to campaign finance and The Fair Elections Act. Just as important, the resolution reminds voters and excellent groups that they may not sell their votes, nor solicit cash, favors or promise of favors from the partisans. The new resolution finally settles the tricky oath matter of how many minutes of TV airtime and radio airtime candidates are allowed to procure for political advertising.Incongruent Comely issuance and laxer enforcement of the laws had left this issue muddled for so long. For the May 2013 elections and onward, the Comely has also ruled that a candidate Is entitled to an aggregate total of 120 minutes of TV airtime, and 1 80 minutes of radio airtime -? 1 OFF platforms. The wealthy and wizened candidates had in the past insisted on placing viral political ads on TV and radio stations across the nation, and counting these as operate 120-minute or 180-minute airtime caps per station. Commerces Resolution No. 467, which created the Campaign Finance Unit, had earlier clarified that election propaganda, for the May 2013 elections and in all subsequent elections, will now include newspaper, radio, television and other advertisements for purposes of promoting the candidacy, including website or Internet ad placements. The web, until now, has remained outside the ambit of campaign finance laws even as a growing number of candidates have invaded social media networks and websites as a laggardly for their propaganda since four elections ago.Any citizen may file suit against any candidates or parties for any violations of campaign finance laws. Additionally, the resolution mandates Comely personnel to act moot prior on apparent and clear violations that they have witnessed. The Comely has deputies the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Commission on Audit, the Office of the Ombudsman, the Anti-Money-Laundering Council, and law enforcement agencies, and opened a window for c ivil-society groups to be designated as partners and co- monitors, to track and run after violators.Monitoring checklists and templates for reports have been annexed to the resolution to assist Comely personnel in their continuous monitoring and enforcement of campaign finance rules. So will all those concerned now play by the rules? Its a big maybe, and a truly most critical task that assigns the Comely lead role, and all citizens common duty to help enforce. If we so abhor the pre-eminent influence of money in defining and deciding who wins or loses, no matter undeserving or crooked, n our elections, this is the time to help monitor, track, and report to the Comely violations and violators.The Commerces table of penalties for violations includes provisos that winning candidates who fail to file true, accurate, and complete election spending reports within deadlines, may not be allowed to take oath and serve in office. This, the Comely said it will enforce, on strength of a memorandum of agreement that it signed with the Department of the Interior and Local Government under the late lamented Secretary Jesse Robbed.The DILL supervises all local overspent units, and under its agreement with the Comely, the poll body must first issue a certification of compliance with campaign finance laws, before a winning candidate can be allowed to take his/her oath of office. Meanwhile, whether he/she wins or loses, a candidate who will not file reports for two consecutive elections he/ she had participated in could face perpetual disbarment from running again for elective positions, the Comely had ruled earlier.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Essay Example
Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King Paper Soon enough the child ended up in the household of the childless king and queen of Corinth. As a young man he learned of his fate to kill his father and marry his mother. Fleeing his family and seeking refuge from his terrible future in a distant city-state of Thebes only brought the actualization of the forecast. Unbeknownst to Oedipus, he had killed his father on his journey and entered the bed of his mother. He lived In his relationship and as King of Thebes for many years until at last he painfully revealed the blinding truth over the course of one shocking day. Realizing what he had done, he blinds himself with the olden pins of his wardrobe and has himself banished to a far away land where he will cause nobody harm. Death of a Salesman is a modern day tragedy based on the life of Wily Loan, a New England traveling salesman in the mid sasss. Wily, the average American Joe is married to Linda Loan, a deep and caring woman, who he had two sons Biff and Happy with. The play starts out when Biff and Happy are in their twenties, and Willis sales career is on a downward spiral, with his whole family there to watch it. Wily has never had a great relationship with either of his sons, especially Biff. We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Willy Loman vs. Oedipus the King specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Wily feels he is failing his family. Wily lives his life in a series of illusions of the past. All of these illusions are of great family, and career memories. Wily stays In these Illusions because I feel he Is too afraid to live in reality where he would be forced to examine his affair In Boston, his philosophy and all of his family and financial debts. Wily loses his Job and Is on the brink of suicide and forever failing his attempts to make his family better than average. Wily commits suicide so his family can receive the insurance check and so Biff can live a successful life without worries. I feel that both these characters life came crashing down on them, and I feel for each man and play, but more for Wily and Death of a Salesman. Wily had his reason to die, but even in the end his plan didnt work as expected. At his funeral no one except for his family and best friend Charlie showed up. He worked so hard to accomplish so little. The impact of this play was amazingly strong. I feel for this man because his life Is so common, unlike the strange and horrible life of Oedipus. He was an ordinary working Joe with a family and wife to support. As any man, Wily had big dreams, but to see them come crashing down upon him left me tit a sense of pity for the man. He seemed Like a crazy man who had lost his mind. But we all know he was Just a guy whod had It all rough and simply couldnt take It any more. Death of a Salesman hit home with us all, and that is why I feel it is the more tragic play. Aristotle and Arthur Miller have theories of tragedy in which they can be somewhat compared and contrasted. Aristotle believes that the tragic hero should be one of higher society, in which his downfall and emotions effect the lives of many people around him. Miller on the other hand believes that the tragic hero should be en of the common man, some sympathetic character that everyone can relate to, someone stuck deep in the virtues of society. Both men though feel that the character either in their mind, or publicly have a supreme pride in which must be abolished, adding to the tragedy of the tragic heros life. Both once again, feel that the tragic hero must have a sense of vigorous protest. Both Oedipus and Wily know their pain and situation but try not to realize it until it is too late. Oedipus by never believing he killed Luaus until he was shown with evidence. Wily, by never really accepting the fact he was failing his family and Job. Aristotle feels that the turning of the Gods on the characters life is what causes his downfall. Miller believes that the heros fall is blamed on something superior, not the Gods, but society in which case is like a god to Wily. The tragic hero should not be perfect, nor should he be so dull and stupid or so young as to be incapable of understanding what is happening to him, stated by Aristotle, in which Miller agrees greatly. They also both believe that the protagonist may be a victim, but he must also know and bow in total acceptance of his destruction. Aristotle believes that the tragic figure makes choices and takes actions that result in his consequences. You can strongly feel that Miller believes that some, if not most of the figures downfall is caused by his words towards others (This also is where most of the irony is in his play, why Sophocles relies mainly on dramatic irony). I feel that Millers approach to tragedy and the tragic hero prove to be most valid. I think that Aristotle approach is somewhat outdated. I believe that in the times of his life, society and the arts were based mainly on the lives of the noble, therefore never reflecting the lives or emotions of the common man. Miller gets Mathew a little of both worlds into his theories. He still follows some basic rules formed by Aristotle (as noted above), but yet changes the view of the tragic hero in ways that the common mans life is tragic, and needs to be recognized in all that it is. I enjoy that. Although societys outlook on people do change over the years, Miller was very well able to produce theories in which any man, from any time would be able to relate to. To sum it up, I feel overall tragedy must preach revolution, and that is exactly what Miller does. Both plays have a sense of true tragedy other than that of Just the tragic hero. The plots of these two plays is a good example. The very complex plot in Oedipus The King is both filled with horrible views of incest and disgust, while it also delivers a sense of pity for the character. This play includes a complete reversal in the situation of the play. This occurs in Oedipus when he begins to feel that he is the one that murdered Luaus and slept with his mother, after trying to tell himself and the country that he was not that man. That shows a sense of recognition also, in which Aristotle believes is a true element of tragedy. I feel though the more affective plot, although impel, is that of Death of a Salesman. The story starts off with the reader already realizing Wills downfall and his losing life, which brings the pity to the play. This play I think is very strong because it is full of drama all the way through, not consulting AT a reversal or recognition. Recognition Is not snows In tons play Decease Wily is Just ignorant to realize his life, in which no change occurs. That dramatically effects the plays strength. The structure in these two plays is a key element in their tragic effects towards the reader. In both Oedipus and Death of a Salesman. Leasebacks play an important role in the play. In Oedipus The King, it is through flashbacks that Oedipus realizes he is the murderer of his father, bringing the downfall on him. The flashbacks in Death of a Salesman are a lot stronger in effect towards drama, because the Wily lives his life in them. It is through flashbacks that the reader realizes the true drama and irony of both the present day actions and words of Wily. The play is illusion vs.. Laity. If this play wouldnt of been structured around Wily Living his life in the past, it would not be considered one of the greatest dramatic plays. The reader realizes the downfall of Wily and his Family through them. The transition from time periods in a lot more obvious in Death of a Salesman and a lot more important than that of Oedipus, in Oedipus The King there is a are a few scenes in which he vis its the past, while the text clearly shows the transition. In Death of a Salesman, Miller shows the transition of the past and present by a few notable things. In the present, Millers writing and tone is more serious and dark, while in the past, the tone becomes a lot more brighter and optimistic. Irony plays another key role in the success of these dramatic plays. Most of the power of Oedipus derives from dramatic irony. The reader is clued in on this in the prologue, in which is the richest in dramatic irony. In that scene, everyone concerned is still in complete darkness to the truth and their ignorance therefore causes their words and actions to carry much greater weight. In Death of a Salesman, it is that of situational irony that brings the reader closer to Wills downfall. The entire play is carried almost completely by the dialog, which is vital to the plays success. One such incident is Wills views of Biffs career track. Biff is a lazy bum! , shortly after, Wily states: Biff Loan is lost. In the greatest country in the world a young man with such -personal attractiveness, gets lost. And such a hard worker . Theres one thing about Biff-hes not lazy. (Death of a Salesman 16). Another example is when Wily wishes that cars today would have fold down windshields, They Just dont make them liked they used to Wily said. Linda soon reminds him that he told her he was driving with the windshield down on the way home from his trip. Situational irony drives this play to greatness, without it, the plot would be lost. Oedipus The King is weaker in the irony part, compared to Death of a Salesman, because in Oedipus it Just answers the questions, doesnt tell the story. The tragic man is the key role in both of these plays. Oedipus in Oedipus The King, and Wily Loan in Death of a Salesman. Through Oedipus a man is presented whose good side causes harm and whose bad side works good. Oedipus himself is one vicious irony, for his virtues devolve into virulent vices that wreak his complete destruction. Oedipus main tragic flaw was that he had a lack of knowledge, and because he thought he was doing good only to find out that what he was doing was ad. His power fell Just as quickly as he got it. Oedipus was born a helpless pawn of fate. Wily on the other hand is a far more tragic hero in Millers eyes, and somewhat in Aristotle eyes. According to Arthur Miller, The tragic feeling is invoked whenever we are in the presence of a character, any character, who is ready to sacrifice his life, IT need De, to secure one thing, Nils sense AT personal Locally Wily Loan was willing to do that no matter what the cost. This makes Wily an excellent example of Aristotle tragic hero also. Wills one tragic flaw is his lack of a grip on reality. He oldest differentiate the difference between the current time and the past. His flashbacks are a part of his everyday lifestyle, only he doesnt know that he is experiencing them, because he lacks awareness, bringing on his downfall. He died for money and most of all for the love of his family. That is where I feel the word hero in Wills life comes from, and tragic comes from the everyday struggle for Wily Loan to do two things, achieve the American Dream and be known as a great man like his father was, with everyone knowing your name. To finish it off, I feel that the common man, Wily Loan, In Death of a Salesman exceeds the tragic greatness of King Oedipus in Oedipus The King. Throughout my research on both of these Tragic plays, I have realized that the common man and his everyday struggle Just to make it through society and the changes brought by industrialization is a viewpoint that more people can really hit home with, instead of a play that seems like an episode of Jerry Springer. Death of a Salesman was filled with pity for Wily, the weak, old, struggling family man. Oedipus the King was plainly just filled with disgust. Wily Loan, the average American family Joe, and his lifestyle and family make Death of a Salesman the superior tragedy.
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